25 September 2008

Palin Drones (On and On)

Hi hello. Is it bias if I'm about to supply a bunch of links from Jezebel which feature videos highlighting why I do not like Sarah Palin?

Yes, if the word bias means "the right thing to do"!

Here are the worst highlights from her interview with Charles Gibson.

Here are the hightlights of the worst parts of Palin's interview Kaite Couric.

And a YouTube clip of Cindy "Botox and Vicadin Cocktail" McCain ( she has the best candy ):

Also, I read that Cindy McCain was giving a speech about how her and her husband were torn apart by The View panel. Juhs so you can see how savage they were, here is a clip from Gawker:


Oh The View!

How I miss watching you in between my classes. The Japanese View is no good ( it also does not exist.)

OH and of course, the soon-to-be legendary SNL season opener (in case you haven't seen it). Dead on impression that is also kind of depressing because of how much truth there is too it.

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