23 May 2008

Marvelous Musical Meredith

Today is the birthday of my very good friend Meredith Unger!

She was my very first friend I ever made on my own (ya know, it was preschool and making friends without parental intervention was a rather big deal!).

We got along really well that our friendship lasted past elementary, middle, and into high school which is a little rare since it was common to have a new BFF every day in elementary school or fight over silly things.

Our friendship lasted right up until her death on February 15th, 2004.

Because blogging is a terrible way to give birthday presents, I will just post the trailer to this terribly cheesy movie that Meredith and I loved to watch everyday in Kindergarten. We even sang the songs at our Kindergarten graduation.

Miss ya piles Meregoof!

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