16 July 2008

MTV Promo and American Apparel BJ

Remember that old MTV commercial where a girl is working at a bar and she looks super busy and she's getting super sleazed on? And then later she goes home, counts all her tip money, looks extremely content and does ballet because she just got into dance school or something?

That's basically how I feel after an eleven hour shift. I sit on my floor and count my tips and smile and rub my sore legs in bliss. The only difference is I don't (often) get sleazed on nor am I saving up to go to ballet school because I am not limber enough to touch my toes.

But you get the idea.

Also, new provocative ad from American Apparel.

Oh la la, quelle trash / artsy porn.

Also, I sold my first dozen cupcakes today! Wooooop.

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