24 November 2007

Spot On Then

Every now and then I catch a commercial for some sort of collaboration between Target and some mildly-interesting designer but I never get too excited since it always clothing for the girls. I recently decided just to check out the latest designer the other day and also to browse the "Young Men" section. Imagine my surprise when I discovered there was a collaboration for GUYS.

The designer, Keanan Duffty, created an entire line inspired by David Bowie. There are seven 'looks' that are supposed to cover the many phases of Bowie's career. Much to my disappointment, it appears that they skipped over Bowie's glam-rock, Space Oddity, and even Labyrinth looks and made his looks more consumer-friendly. I don't know how well silver jumpsuits with capes and Gothic ball-gown type "ensembles" would have sold in the discount department store but you can bet they would have had some of my dollars...

Here are some highlights:
Ahh, it's interesting that Target is selling tighter pants for guys and if this was two years ago (before I plunked down the $$$ for my jeans) I'd be all over these $29.99 jeans. These pants do not look extremely tight which I'm assuming is comforting for Target's target consumers. You can always sew them up to make them tighter though!!! Chang chang.

This look is called the "UK Alien". The description says it's inspired by Bowie's glam-rock period and consists of three things: the jacket, button-up shirt, and the skinny jeans. The jacket is the best part and is probably my favorite piece. The only thing glam about it though is its seventies styling. It also comes with a weird studded belt but uhhh, I suggest you don't wear it.

The second look is called "Twisted Mister" which sounds like it would allude to Bowie's more gender bending outfits but alas, it looks more like standard H&M gear. I like the (affordable) vest though. Classy!

At first I got excited because I thought this was some sort of ruffly-front tuxedo shirt but those lines are actually lyrics to 'Let's Dance'. While I love the song, I'm a bit tired of screen-printing everything in weird ways.

I'm not a fan of blazers + t-shirts and I won't make exceptions but I do like each item on their own. The blazer is clean, tailored, and most importantly very affordable. And as far as screen-printed lightening bolts go, this one is acceptable.

Ehh, bleh. Puffy vests. On the plus side, for you Anglophiles, the back of the vest looks like a union jack. I like this hoodie though, if I came across it in the store, I'd probably buy it.

You can see the rest of the looks and items here and of course buy some online.

Most everything in the collection is black, grey, or white which is a bit boring compared to the other very colorful collections (see their Paul & Joe collection) but hey,I enjoy the greyscale for wintertime and most anytime. The collaboration for girl's by Erin Fetherston has really a really great polished sixties look. It's all very Jackie O. Hopefully the menswear collaborations will continue and improve.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

1 comment:

lily said...

Erin Fetherbore is BORING

and all this bowie stuff look the SAME

and you used to love t-shirt/blazer combos... circa us dating, remember? maybe my undeniable hotness deluded you