10 December 2007

Watashi wa itasho suki desu

The title is Japanese for "I love Itasho".

What is Itasho?

It is a little company that produces INTRICATE ERASERS.

I dread the day that Japan ceases being on the cutting edge of cute and the forerunner of fun.

The last day of Japanese class, we played bingo and I won. The prizes of which I could choose from were 1.) A ruler with Japanese phrases about recycling 2.) Shiny origami paper 3.) An Itasho eraser.

Naturally, I went for the eraser.
Ah there it is! The one in the middle. The noodles come out for an EXTRA ERASER.

They have all sorts of things: Strawberry cakes, "American Food", milk, staplers, and even a Japanese variation of mentos.

Most of them can be taken apart for even more fun.

Check out the website here. They fetch around 99 cents but that's not bad for all the fun you can have displaying them and not using them to erase the many mistakes of your life (you can't erase back your virginity!). If you are not a fan of Japanese products, then perhaps you can at least revel in some good ol' "Engrish" at its best on the website.