19 June 2008

Tampons and Stuff

Girl Talk just released his new album "Feed the Animals" today*.

You can pay what you want HERE and own the album.

How exciting!

Seeing him this past September was the nutsiest time of my life up until that point.

It's downloading at the moment and I have to say that I am really excited to hear it for two reasons:

1.) I listened to the last album too much.
2.) I look forward to hearing the highlights of 1,000 songs put into one song and then me never being able to separate the samples and appreciate the original source material.


*Fun trivia fact: My friend Sam Bye also does mash-ups and his music was mistakenly released as Girl Talk's new album back in March, causing a lot of confusion and eventual (MySpace blog) press release from Mr. Gregg Girl Talk Gillis himself.


This album will probably take a few listens before I get REAL into it, but it was enjoyable. At one point "Sunday Morning" by the Velvet Underground, "Love Fool" by the Cardigans, and my current favorite song ever "Ready for the Floor" by Hot Chip were all playing at once.

Such is the magic of Girl Talk.

I guess I was expecting to be instantly hooked like I was with "Night Ripper" but I was definitely not disappointed.

Download it now.

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